Our Tree Trimming & Tree Pruning Services
It is very important to care for your trees on a regular basis so they remain healthy and do not become decayed or become a home to breeding insects or other pests. Maintaining your trees through tree pruning and tree trimming is also important to prepare for bad weather, since fallen tree from storm damage can cause additional costs to you and your property. Avoid these costs by practicing regular tree maintenance with Branson’s Tree Service.
It’s never too late to start to start a tree maintenance program! We can provide you with a suggested maintenance schedule best suited for the trees on your property. Call now for a free estimate 540-273-5355.

What is Tree Trimming vs. Tree Pruning?

Tree Pruning
Tree pruning specifically refers to the removal branches from your tree in order to promote better tree health. This could include removal of live, damaged, or disease branches under the guidance of our certified and highly trained arboriculture experts. Tree pruning and maintenance is recommended as a seasonal service, particularly in winter months, to best prepare trees for new growth in the spring.

Tree Trimming
Tree trimming includes and services that trim branches that interfere or are obstacles, such as to electrical lines or near your home. This also can promote healthy growth but has a different motivation and often different equipment and processes than the pruning services. These terms are often used interchangeable. We provide both tree pruning and tree trimming services.